Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense

Simple sentence

Subject+is/are /am + verb (1st form of verb ) + ing +object.
  • He, she, it/single subject ________ is.
  • I                                       ________ am.
  • We,you, They/plural subject_______ are.


  1. I am writing a book.
  2. She is writing a paragraph.
  3. They are doing their work

Negative Sentence :-

Subject + is / are/am + not +verb +ing + object.

Examples :-

  1. He is not working well.
  2. You are not listening me .
  3. Its is not raining.
  4. i am not writing a notes.

Interrogative sentence :-

Is/are/am + subject + verb +ing + object ?(question mark)

Examples :-

  1. Is she cooking vegetables ?
  2. Are you doing your work properly ?
  3. Am i going to the right direction ?
Interrogative word + is/are/am +subject + not + ing + object

Examples :-

  1. Where are the animals  not sitting now ?
  2. Why is the gardener is not watering the plants ?
  3. What are you doing now ?

Present continue is used 

  • This tense is used to describe an action that is going on at the moment of speaking .
  1.  It is raining now.
  2. She is writing a article.
  3. They are making a noise.
  4. I am not doing the sums.
  • This tense is used to refer to an action happening now but now necessarily at the moment of speaking.
  1. I am reading a play by shake spear.
  2. What are you doing these days?
  3. I am doing my bachelor .

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