Preposition List
List of preposition in order wise.....
A |
aboard, about,
above, across, after, against, ahead of, along, amid, amidst, among, around,
as, as far as, as of, aside from, at, athwart, atop
B |
barring, because of,
before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, by
means of
C |
circa, concerning
D |
despite, down,
E |
except, except for,
F |
far from, following,
for, from
I |
in, in accordance
with, in addition to, in case of, in front of, in lieu of, in place of, in
spite of, including, inside, instead of, into
L |
M |
N |
Near, Next to, not with standing
O |
Of, off, on, on account of, on behalf of, on
top of, onto, opposite, out, out of, outside, over
P |
past, plus, prior to
R |
regardless of
S |
save, since
T |
than, through,
throughout, till, to, toward, towards
U |
under, underneath,
unlike, until, up, upon
V |
versus, via
W |
with, with regard
to, within, without